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It’s that time once again. Each year, top fitness organizations compile surveys and make predictions about the top 10 fitness trends for the coming year. For 2010, here are the top fitness trends with my feedback. I feel like it was just last month that I wrote this for 2009. how time flies. Njut av!
Group personal trainingGroup personal training is certainly on the rise and will continue to be the trend in 2010. The trend is likely connected to the economic times because the sessions are much less expensive than the one on one approach. much more and much more gyms are popping up with the one area of specialty. A franchise with this focus called get In shape for women is said to go nationwide in 2010.
ExergamingThis is the term being used for programs like Wii fit and EA Sports. Both systems have recently come out with upgrades. Nintento has recently added Your shape to the mix. I like that fact that Your shape requires no hand held device. I’m still not a huge fan of working out to a video game. Still, numerous people like this approach, and if it gets them off the couch, then I fully support Exergaming.
Functional training workoutsThis is a trend toward using strength training to improve balance and ease of daily living. These workouts tend to be back-to-basics classes focused on making the body strong for sports as well as day-to-day activities. some of the most recent releases from Jillian Michaels follow this trend.
Core trainingDifferent from strength training, this type of training specifically emphasizes conditioning of the middle-body muscles, including the pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen – all of which offer needed support for the spine.
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Specialty classesEthnic dance, Zumba and hula-hooping will continue to grow in popularity. emerging trends from 2009 also include trapeze and other aerial workouts. gyms need special equipment for these classes so they are spreading much more slowly, and only in the higher end clubs. It will be interesting to see what else emerges this year.
Fitness GadgetsFitness gadgets and gizmos will continue to be a trend in the coming year. There are already apps for iphone and other mobile devices. other online and hand held tracking devices continue to emerge.
Programs for older adultsWith much more and much more of the baby boomer population reaching retirement age, health and fitness professionals are developing age-appropriate fitness programs to keep older adults healthy and pleased well into their golden years.
Sport-specific trainingThis trend distinctly relates to young athletes in particular. High school athletes are incorporating training into their off-seasons in purchase to stay in top shape for their sports. I’ve seen both gyms and trainers specializing in this set of clients recently. The trend is predicted to continue in 2010.
Whatever your choice for fitness in 2010, make it a priority, and get your friends and family involved. All the best for a very pleased and healthy new year.
– trainer Jenn of team Beachbody and
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